Year: 2019

  • SARVAM Digital and Financial Literacy Training Programme

    Date:22-Feb-2019 Location:Satyam Centre, Poothurai Village From February 22 to 24, 2019, the SARVAM facilitators organized a Digital and Financial Literacy Workshop for the core team members, each of them carefully selected from the villages under SARVAM project. In the past, SARVAM has organized many soft skills and livelihood training programmes, but with the recent increase…

  • SARVAM Digital and Financial Literacy Training Programme

    Date:03-Feb-2019 Location:Poothurai and Perambai Villages, Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu   On February 3, 2019, SARVAM organized a Digital and Financial Literacy Workshop for more than 400 women in two different villages—300 in Poothurai and 100 in Perambai. In the past, SARVAM has organized many soft skills and livelihood training programmes, but with the recent increase…

  • SARVAM Foundation and Annual Day Celebration

    Date:02-Feb-2019 Location:SATYAM Centre, Poothurai village, Villupuram District, Near Puducherry For the last 14 years, Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM), the integral rural development initiative of Sri Aurobindo Society, has been carrying out various educational and empowerment activities. From one village, its outreach now covers 20 villages and more than 20,000 people.…

  • SARVAM Orientation Session for Students of Madras School of Social Work

    Date:22-Jan-2019 Location:Satyam Centre, Poothurai Village, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu On January 22, 2019, a group of 25 including faculty and students of Madras School of Social Work visited Satyam centre of SARVAM for an orientation session on the rural development work being carried out under various focus areas. Madras School of Social Work, established in 1952…

  • SARVAM Access Students Trip to Mahabalipuram

    Date:19-Jan-2019 Location:Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu  INTRODUCTION On January 19, 2019, SARVAM organized a trip for the English Access Microscholarship students. More than 100 children, both boys and girls, went for this excursion to understand the architectural and monumental greatness of the ancient Pallava Dynasty. It was a wonderful opportunity to educate the children about the historical,…

  • SARVAM Workshop on Learning Disabilities by Azim Premji Foundation

    Date:19-Jan-2019 Location:Satyam Centre, Poothurai Village Introduction Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM) has been working in the field of education for rural development for more than a decade and a half. There has been a constant attempt to make learning inclusive and holistic. To realize these goals, various workshops and training programmes…

  • SARVAM Workshop on Learning Disabilities by Azim Premji Foundation

    Date:19-Jan-2019 Location:Satyam Centre, Poothurai Village Introduction Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM) has been working in the field of education for rural development for more than a decade and a half. There has been a constant attempt to make learning inclusive and holistic. To realize these goals, various workshops and training programmes…

  • SARVAM Access Students Trip to Mahabalipuram

    Date:19-Jan-2019 Location:Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu INTRODUCTION On January 19, 2019, SARVAM organized a trip for the English Access Microscholarship students. More than 100 children, both boys and girls, went for this excursion to understand the architectural and monumental greatness of the ancient Pallava Dynasty. It was a wonderful opportunity to educate the children about the historical,…

  • SARVAM Access Mid-Term Intensive Training Session

    Date: 27-Dec-2018 Location:Poothurai Village, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu Introduction SARVAM conducted the Second Mid-Term Intensive Training Session for the English Access Microscholarship Program students, for 4 days, from December 27–30, 2018. This Mid-Term Session was conducted in two parts, in association with two external organizations. For the first two days, the Access students were trained on enhancing…

  • SARVAM Students’ Community Service Programme

    Date:08-Dec-2018 Location:Poothurai Village, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM), as a part of Community Service under English Access Program visited Fraternal Life Service Home (FLSH) and interacted with mentally disabled people of all ages and walks of life. FLSH was established in the year 1983 initially with 10 mentally…