Areas of Contribution to SARVAM

Sl.No Areas of Contribution to SARVAM  Rate Per Unit              (In £)  Total (No.of Units)  Total Amount        (1 year)             (In £)
A Education (help to the Poorest of the Poor Students)
a. Uniform materials                6.50           200          1,300.00
b. Educational materials (books & note books etc.)                5.00           500          2,500.00
c. Study chair with writing pad                9.50           200          1,900.00
d. One month annual summer camp (soft skills, workshops with lunch & snacks)              10.00        1,500        15,000.00
e. Daily evening tuition Class (teachers salary, snacks, etc.)              19.00        1,500        28,500.00
f. Exposure/Educational visits              12.50           750          9,375.00
g. Educational scholarships            190.00           200        38,000.00
h. Corpus Fund (can ensure the future of poor students)              19.00        2,000        38,000.00
B Health & Medical Care
a. General Health Check-up (BP, Sugar, Eye etc.)                4.00        1,500          6,000.00
b. Medicines              12.50           100          1,250.00
c. Medical assistance (surgery, chronic diseases)            125.00           100        12,500.00
C Shelter to the Poorest of the Poor
a. House renovation            625.00           100        62,500.00
D Alternative Energy
a. Smokeless Chula                5.00           200          1,000.00
b. Solar lighting for individual houses            375.00           100        37,500.00
E Vulnerable & Marginalised
a. Food for poorest of the poor            315.00           100        31,500.00
b. Cloth materials              12.50           300          3,750.00
c. Grant for Livelihood activity            190.00           100        19,000.00
F General Help
1. Government Pre/Primary & Secondary Schools
a. Building Maintenance (Rs.50,000/- can help the maintenance of one school building)            625.00 7          4,375.00
b. Motivational programme for students            125.00 10          1,250.00
c. Training programme for teachers            125.00 5             625.00
d.  Awareness programme for parents            125.00 10          1,250.00
2. Empowerment Program
a. Motivation, Awareness & Workshop for Youth            190.00 5             950.00
b. Awareness & Workshop for Women            190.00 10          1,900.00
3. Livelihood Program                     –
a. Entrepreneurship awareness program            250.00 10          2,500.00
b. Training & assistance for Entrepreneurship            250.00 100        25,000.00
c. Revolving Fund for women-Livelihood            375.00 500      187,500.00
d. Pilot Study (introducing new entrepreneurship)       37,500.00 5      187,500.00