
Donate now … Help The Sarvam Trust transform the lives of the underprivileged with your donation today!

Your money would be utilized across a broad-based development of the community, which is inclusive of every social fragment and various issues that the community faces. It will help people to break free from generations of social marginalization, poverty, illiteracy and lack of basic amenities of life.

Help The Sarvam Trust transform lives by making a tax-deductible* gift today.

Areas of Contribution to SARVAM

Donate by Online Payment

Donate by Cheque

Please make your cheque payable to “The Sarvam Trust” and post it to:

The Sarvam Trust,
2nd Floor
86, Hatton Garden
London EC1N 8QQ
Telephone No: +447931 717 288


Donate via Direct Bank Transfer

Please make your transfers to “The Sarvam Trust” to:

Account:  The Sarvam Trust
Account number:  83850048
Sort code: 20-41-41

Barclays Bank PLC
Chancery Lane & Goslings Branch
147 Holborn,
London EC1N 2NU

* Tax Deduction- See details on Gift Aid  for further information.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift, at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, The Sarvam Trust can reclaim the basic rate tax (25%) on your gift. So, if you donate £100, it is worth £125 to The Sarvam Trust.

Do I qualify for Gift Aid?

In order for The Sarvam Trust to reclaim the tax you have paid on your donations, you must have paid income or capital gains tax in the UK equal to the tax that will be claimed on your donation.

How do I sign up to Gift Aid?

The process is simple—all you have to do is make a Gift Aid declaration. If you are donating online, just tick the Gift Aid box on the donation form.

What does the Gift Aid declaration commit me to?

Nothing! It just ensures that if you choose to donate to The Sarvam Trust, we can claim an extra 25% from the government.

What is a Gift Aid declaration?

A Gift Aid declaration is a statement by an individual taxpayer that they want a charity to receive the tax paid on their donation back from the government.

How long does the declaration last for?

To simplify matters for both you and The Sarvam Trust, the declaration wording normally covers present, future and past donations. We can back-claim for the previous four years and we will continue to claim until you tell us otherwise, so long as you are eligible.

What do I do if I my tax status changes or I want to cancel my declaration?

To let us know about tax change status or if wish to cancel your declaration, please use our contact form